Annexe 1
Liste des articles publiés sur la sophrologie

Romieu, H., Charbonnier, F., Janka, D., Douillard, A., Macioce, V., Lavastre, K., Abassi, H., Renoux, M.-C., Mura, T., and Amedro, P. (2018). Efficiency of physiotherapy with Caycedian Sophrology on children with asthma: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 53, 559–566.


de Almeida Silva, H.J., Júnior, J.C.A., de Oliveira, F.S., de Pontes Oliveira, J.M., Dantas, G.A.F., de Almeida Lins, C.A., and de Souza, M.C. (2018). Sophrology versus resistance training for treatment of women with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.


Bouychou, M., Sallez, H., de Brito, G., Mouilti, Y., Piquée, N., and Boyé, H. (2018). Support and tools for preparing for birth. Soins Pediatr Pueric 39, 19–22.


Bonapace, J., Gagné, G.-P., Chaillet, N., Gagnon, R., Hébert, E., and Buckley, S. (2018). No. 355-Physiologic Basis of Pain in Labour and Delivery: An Evidence-Based Approach to its Management. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 40, 227–245.


Masson, A., Kirszenbaum, M., and Sermet-Gaudelus, I. (2017). Pain is an underestimated symptom in cystic fibrosis. Curr Opin Pulm Med 23, 570–573.


Le Pajolec, C., Ohresser, M., and Nevoux, J. (2017). Good practices with tinnitus in adult. Presse Med 46, 1064–1070.


Gaide, M., Surdej, F., Daoud-Carrera, C., Dudoit, É., Duffaud, F., and Salas, S. (2017). Sophrology for developing strategies to help patients adapt to cancer treatments. Rev Infirm 66, 37–39.


Lacour-Perez, A. (2016). Sophrologie et cancer. Cancer et Psy 63–73.


Koprowiak, S. (2016). La sophrologie: une étape dans la qualité de vie. Jusqu’à La Mort Accompagner La Vie 45–52.


González de Pablo, Á. (2016). Las nuevas ciencias del espíritu del siglo XX: La aparición de la sofrología en España a inicios del segundo franquismo/The New Sciences of the Spirit of the 20th Century: the Rise of Sophrology in Spain during the Early Second Francoism.


Diehr, J. (2016). Sophrology and psychiatry. Soins Psychiatr 37, 28–31.


de Oliveira, F.S., Silva, H., Oliveira, J. de P., da Silva, J.F.C., Gomes, V.L.S., Fonseca, D.S., Lins, C. de A., Souza, M.C., Silva, H. de A., and de Souza, M.C. (2016). The sophrology as adjuvant therapy may improve the functionality of patients with fibromyalgia. A pilot randomized controlled trial. Man. Ther. Posturology Rehabil. J. 14, 386.


Besnier, V. (2016). Relaxation, a complementary approach for mental health nurses. Soins Psychiatr 37, 17–22.


Lepage, S., Brouquières, D., Didier, A., and Escamilla, R. (2015). La sophrologie dans les toux chroniques réfractaires de l’adulte: à propos de 28 cas. Revue Des Maladies Respiratoires 32, A38.


Gaitan-Sierra, C., and Hyland, M.E. (2015). Common Factor Mechanisms in Clinical Practice and Their Relationship with Outcome. Clin Psychol Psychother 22, 258–266.


Breitenstein, A., and Deront, J. (2015). Hypnose et sophrologie en soins palliatifs. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs 30, 119–133.


Bondiau, P.-Y., Starzyk, A., Gotra, D., Palamini, G., Perychon, M., Grondin, B., and Dalmasso, M. (2015). Intérêt de la sophrologie durant les séances de traitement par CyberKnife®. Cancer/Radiothérapie 19, 655.


Zygar, M., Tardieu, L., Philippon, C., Cherif, M.O., Gourin, M.P., Abraham, J., Girault, S., Turlure, P., and Bordessoule, D. (2015). Evaluation of sophrology as supportive care by patients during an hematopoietic stem cell allotransplantation. In Bone Marrow Transplantation, (Nature Publishing Group Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan St, London N1 9xw, England), Pp. 5521–5521.



Barré, C., Falcou, M.-C., Mosseri, V., Carrié, S., and Dolbeault, S. (2015). Sophrology for patients in oncology. Soins 17–20.


Miholić, D., Prstačić, M., and Martinec, R. (2014). Art/expressive therapies and psychodynamics of parent-child relationship in concept of sophrology and psychosocial oncology. Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja 49, 115–128.


Lepage, S., Brouquières, D., Didier, A., and Escamilla, R. (2014). Intérêt de la sophrologie dans la prise en charge des patients avec une toux réfractaire: à propos de 28 cas. Revue Francaise d’Allergologie 3, 269.


Chira, A. (2014). Art And Science In Life Potential Development And Sophrology (Echo-hol Model)-Miroslav Prastačić. Clujul Medical 86, 295–295.


Bannier, C., Sachot, C., and Simon, A. (2014). Massage and sophrology workshops for haematology professionals. Rev Infirm 31–33.


Miholić, D., Prstačić, M., and Nikolić, B. (2013). Art/expressive psychotherapy and sophrology in the analysis of copping mechanisms in child with malignant disease. Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja 49, 73–84.


Miholić, D. (2013). Complementary creative and art therapy and child-parent psychodynamics in the concept of sophrology and psychosocial oncology. Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Research/Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja 49.


Fiorletta, P., Ganic, A., Royer, A., and Grosjean, V. (2013). Mesure des impacts de la sophrologie caycédienne® sur le stress. Kinésithérapie, La Revue 13, 34–40.


Delatte, E. (2013). Prévention des troubles du sommeil des seniors par la sophrologie. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie 13, 280–285.


Chira, A. (2013). Art and science in life potential development and Sophrology (Echo-hol model). Clujul Medical 86, 295.


Buxeda, R.S. (2013). Sofrologia. Una eina senzilla i eficaç per millorar la gestió de l activitat professional. La Nova Revista (Col· Legi Oficial d’Odontòlegs i Estomatòlegs de Catalunya) 28–32.


Viallard, M.-L. (2012). Commentaire à propos de l’article intitulé «Regards croisés entre psychologie et sophrologie: le cas de Maria». Médecine Palliative: Soins de Support-Accompagnement-Éthique 11, 38.


Tocheport, P. (2012b). Sophrology in geriatrics, an innovative approach to reducing pain and anxiety. Soins 16–20.


Tocheport, P. (2012a). Douleur-La sophrologie en gériatrie, une approche innovante pour diminuer la douleur et l’anxiété. Soins 763, 16.


Suzuki, M., Isonishi, S., Morimoto, O., Ogawa, M., and Ochiai, K. (2012). Effect of sophrology on perinatal stress monitored by biopyrrin. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2, 176.


Sicard, S., and Gaudissard, D. (2012). Regards croisés entre psychologie et sophrologie: le cas de Maria. Médecine Palliative: Soins de Support-Accompagnement-Éthique 11, 35–37.


Mailhebiau-Couzinet, A. (2012). Sophrologie et orthophonie: la recherche d’un juste équilibre. Sophrologie: Applications Thérapeutiques 147.


Loloş, R., and Kory Calomfirescu, Ş. (2012). Clinical forms of subcortical aphasia in stroke and their recovery using the sophrology method. Palestrica of the Third Millennium Civilization & Sport 13.


Fiorletta, P., and Grosjean, V. (2012). Apport de la sophrologie caycédienne® à la prise en charge du stress. HEGEL, 2012, 03.


Dudoit, E., Lheureux, E., Dany, L., and Duffaud, F. (2012). Psychologie et sophrologie en oncologie: les voies d’un possible travail d’articulationPsychology and relaxation therapy in oncology: a possible complementary work. Psycho-Oncologie 6, 50–58.



Miholić, D., Prstačić, M., and Nikolić, B. (2011). Art/Expressive therapies and sophrology like complementary approaches in coping analysis of child with malignant diseases. In 6. Me\d Junarodni Simpozij o Komplementarnim Suportivnim Terapijama “Umjetnost i Znanost u Razvoju Životnog Potencijala


Lombart, B. (2010b). Utilisation de la sophrologie et de l’hypnose à l’hôpital: expérience d’une infirmièreUse of sophrology and hypnosis in hospitals: a nurse’s experience. Douleur et Analgésie 23, 32–35.


Lombart, B. (2010a). Use of sophrology and hypnosis in hospitals: a nurse’s experience. Douleur et Analgesie 23, 32–35.


Loloş, R., and Calomfirescu, Ş.K. (2010). Clinical forms of subcortical aphasia in stroke and their recovery using the sophrology method Forme clinice de afazii subcorticale în cadrul accidentelor vasculare cerebrale şi recuperarea lor prin metoda sofrologică. Palestrica Mileniului Iii 13.


Gedda, M. (2010). Sophrologie: la kinésithérapie confrontée à la conscience de l’autre. Kinésithérapie, La Revue 10, 23.


Fiorletta, P. (2010d). Les «techniques-clés» de la Sophrologie Caycédienne®: The key techniques of sophrology. Kinésithérapie, La Revue 10, 31–36.


Fiorletta, P. (2010c). Fondements et théories de la Sophrologie Caycédienne®: Theoretical basis of Professor Caycedo’s sophrology. Kinésithérapie, La Revue 10, 24–30.


Fiorletta, P. (2010b). Fondements et théories de la Sophrologie Caycédienne®. Kinésithérapie, La Revue Vol 10, N° 103.


Fiorletta, P. (2010a). Exemples de cas pratiques de Sophrologie Caycédienne® en masso-kinésithérapie: Practical cases of sophrology in physical medicine. Kinésithérapie, La Revue 10, 37–43.


Sicard, S. (2009). Cancer et sophrologieCancer and sophrology. Psycho-Oncologie 3, 184–187.


Pandey, R. (2009). Four decades of sophrology and its scientific status. Indian Journal of Social Science Research 6, 1–3.


Lavand’homme, P., and Roelants, F. (2009). Patient-controlled intravenous analgesia as an alternative to epidural analgesia during labor: questioning the use of the short-acting opioid remifentanil. Survey in the French part of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). Acta Anaesthesiol Belg 60, 75–82.


Constantin, J.-M., Perbet, S., Futier, E., Cayot-Constantin, S., Gignac, V., Bannier, F., Fabrègue, H., Chartier, C., Guerin, R., and Bazin, J.-E. (2009b). Impact of sophrology on non-invasive ventilation tolerance in patients with acute respiratory failure. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 28, 215–221.


Caycedo, A., and Van Rangelrooy, K. (2009). La sofrologia com a proposta pal. liativa de l’estrès en els docents. J. Riart i A. Martorell (Eds.). Els Estressors Laborals i Programes Pal. Liatius 193–206.


Buxeda, R.S. (2009b). Sofrologia: escola del positiu de l’ésser. Segona part. La Revista COEC 40–52.


Buxeda, R.S. (2009a). Sofrologia: escola del positiu de l’ésser. Primera part. La Revista COEC 28–36.


Constantin, J.-M., Perbet, S., Futier, E., Cayot-Constantin, S., Gignac, V., Bannier, F., Fabrègue, H., Chartier, C., Guerin, R., and Bazin, J.-E. (2009a). Impact de la sophrologie sur la tolérance des séances de ventilation non invasive chez des patients en insuffisance respiratoire aiguë. In Annales Francaises d’anesthesie et de Reanimation, (Elsevier), pp. 215–221.


Kim, H.H., Nava-Ocampo, A.A., Kim, S.K., Kim, S.H., Kim, Y.J., Han, J.Y., Ahn, H.K., Ryu, H.M., Yang, J.H., and Kim, M.Y. (2008). Is prenatal childbirth preparation effective in decreasing adverse maternal and neonatal response to labor? A nested case-control study. Acta Biomed 79, 18–22.


Guastella, V., Mick, G., and Laurent, B. (2008). Non pharmacologic treatment of neuropathic pain. Presse Med 37, 354–357.


Ducloux, D. (2008). Sophrology, an ally against anxiety. Krankenpfl Soins Infirm 101, 46–49.


Buxeda, R.S. (2008). Distensió corporal i relaxació per sofrologia. Pevenció i tractament del burnout en el prfessional de l’Odontologia. La Revista COEC 48–58.


Tournaire, M., and Theau-Yonneau, A. (2007). Complementary and alternative approaches to pain relief during labor. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 4, 409–417.


Mevius, A. (2007b). Utilisation de la sophrologie chez le sujet âgé déprimé à propos d’une observation clinique. La Revue Francophone de Gériatrie et de Gérontologie 138, 386–390.


Mevius, A. (2007a). Use of sophrology in the elderly depressed subject. concerning a clinical case. La Revue Francophone de Gériatrie et de Gérontologie 138, 386–390.


Duong, P.H., and Zulian, G.B. (2007). Disappearance of a stutter shortly before death. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 24, 141–143.


Calvet, C., And Gilabert, F. (2007). Corps et mouvements, la sophrologie et la méthode Feldenkrais à la rencontre de la spondylarthrite ankylosante. Soins 19–19.


Bariot, N. (2007). À propos de la sophrologie en cancérologie. La Lettre Du Sénologue 19–20.


Vanhoof, V., Schmitz, I., and Maes, S. (2006). Quand la famille fait mal. La sophrologie et la thérapie de famille main dans la main. Cahiers Critiques de Thérapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Réseaux 169–183.


Heymès, O., Forges, T., Guillet-May, F., Zaccabri, A., Dandachi, N., and Monnier, P. (2006b). Sophrology: a different tool for infertile couples. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 35, 790–796.


Heymès, O., Forges, T., Guillet-May, F., Zaccabri, A., Dandachi, N., and Monnier, P. (2006a). La sophrologie caycédienne: une autre approche du couple infertile. Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de La Reproduction 35, 790–796.


Ducloux, D. (2006b). Sophrology and Support for Terminal Patients. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs 21, 39–39.


Ducloux, D. (2006a). Sophrologie et accompagnement des personnes en fin de vie. InfoKara 21, 39–39.


Bouillet, B. (2006). La sophrologie en cancérologie: un véritable soin. Bulletin Infirmier Du Cancer 6, 15–17.


Scimeca, D. (2004). Sophrologie et sommeil. Cahiers de Biothérapie 61–66.


Prstačić, M., Nikolić, B., and Hojanić, R. (2004). Motoric disturbances, chronic diseases, art therapies and sophrology. Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istraživanja 40, 91–103.


Prstačić, M. (2004). Ecstasy and genesis: science, art and creative therapy in psychosocial oncology and sophrology.


Péchin, J.-L. (2004). Huntington chorea and sophrology. Example of holistic care in a day hospitalization center. Soins Psychiatr 37–40.


Pechin, J.-L. (2004). Chorée de huntington et sophrologie: Exemple d’une prise en charge globale dans un CATTP. Soins. Psychiatrie 37–40.


Guillemot, G. (2004). Sophrology and rheumatoid arthritis. Soins 46.


Guillemot, G. (2004). sophrologie et polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Soins 46–46.


Ducloux, D. (2004b). Sophrology and Support for Terminal Patients. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs 19, 135–142.


Ducloux, D. (2004a). Sophrologie et accompagnement des personnes en fin de vie. InfoKara 19, 135–142.


Prstačić, M., Sabol, R., and Kraljević, N. (2002). Biopsychosocial model and introduction into sophrology. In The 1st International Symposium on Complementary Supportive Therapies” Art and Science in Life Potential Development


Prstačić, M. (2002). Psychosocial oncology and sophrology. In 2. Me\d Junarodni Simpozij o Komplementarnim Suportivnim Terapijama” Umjetnost i Znanost u Razvoju Životnog Potencijala”


Avenia, F. (2001). Sofrologia e sessuologia clinica. Rivista Di Sessuologia. APR./GIU., 2001 1000–1013.


Stal, V., Meyer, A., Houlette, G., Iwatsubo, Y., Elbaz, M., and Leger, D. (2001). Efficacy of sophrology in the treatment of chronic insomnia. In SLEEP, pp. A346–A347.


Vieira, J.C. (2000). Sophrology and Maternity. Servir 48, 286–292.


Simma-Kletschka, I. (2000). Praxisthemen-Kieferorthopadie und Sophrologie. Stomatologie 97, A13.


Rescanieres, M.-T. (2000). Strategie therapeutique La sophrologie et l’enfant. Soins Pediatrie Puericulture 41–44.


Rescanières, M.T. (2000). Sophrology and the child. Soins Pediatr Pueric 41–44.


Léophonte, P., Delon, S., Dalbiès, S., Fontes-Carrère, M., de Carvalho, E.G., and Lepage, S. (2000). Effects of the preparation on anxiety before bronchoscopy. Rech Soins Infirm 50–66.


Lambrette, G. (2000b). Sophrology and its relation to child birth. Soins Pediatr Pueric 32–35.


Lambrette, G. (2000a). Strategie soignante La sophrologie, de sa naissance a celle de l’autre. Soins Pediatrie Puericulture 32–35.


Kim, H.J. (2000b). Sophrology in Labor and Delivery. Journal of the Korean Medical Association 43, 457–459.


Dupuy, M. (2000b). Contribution of dynagogic sophrology in alcohology. Alcoologie Et Addictologie 22, 51–56.


Dupuy, M. (2000a). Apport de la sophrologie dynagogique en alcoologie. Alcoologie et Addictologie 22, 51–55.


Kim, H.H. (2000a). Effects of sophrology parturition education on the anxiety and labor pain degree in pregnant women. In Sophrology Workshop, pp. 75–96.


Gamba, L. (1999). La Sophrologie>: une nouvelle methode de relaxation a l’usage des somaticiens. Medecine et Hygiene 57, 620–623.


Decottignies, C. (1999). La peau cible: Sophrologie. Les Nouvelles Dermatologiques 18, 44–46.


de Montauzan, E. (1998). Apports de la sophrologie en rééducation vocale de la dysphonie de l’enfant hypertonique. Rééducation Orthophonique 36, 115–118.


Edith, P.P. (1997). Sophrologie et performance sportive, Guide pratique. Amphora 12, 125–133.


Péchin, J.L. (1996). Sophrology adapted to hydrotherapy. Soins Psychiatr 10–16.


Orjubin, D. (1996). Sophrology and cancer. An answer for nurses dealing with stress. Soins 47–54.


Forissier, C., and Gonard, A. (1996). Apport de la sophrologie chez les douloureux chroniques. Kinésithérapie Scientifique 37–44.


Chevalier-Grimal, M. (1996). En quoi la sophrologie est-elle un outil privilégié en ergothérapie? Journal d’ergothérapie 18, 149–150.


Rosa Serra, G. (1995). La sophrologie dans le traitement de l’amputé. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 135–137.


Querol, F., and Vergara Lozano, P. (1995). Sophrologie appliquée à la physiothérapie des maladies bronchopulmonaires. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 125–128.


Prat de Los Mozos, J. (1995). Sophrologie ou sophrologie caycedienne. Physiotherapie et sophrologie. In Annales de Kinesitherapie, (Paris, Masson, 1974-c2001.), pp. 105–106.


Pavia-Varon, F. (1995). Liens entre la sophrologie et la kinésithérapie. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 107–110.


Panhalleux, G. (1995). Phéno-description de ma rencontre avec la sophrologie. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 143–144.


Hugas Bonal, X. (1995). Sophrologie de groupe pour des accidents vasculaires cérébraux des scléroses en plaques et des parkinsoniens. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 111–118.


Amostegui, J.M. (1995). La sophrologie dans la psychoprophylaxie obstétrique. In Annales de Kinésithérapie, (Masson), pp. 130–133.


Tregan, D., Cailleux-Kreitmann, J., and Nègre-Garnier, C. (1994b). Patient admission and induced abortion. A different mode: homeopathy and sophrology. Soins Gynecol Obstet Pueric Pediatr 37–39.


Tregan, D., Cailleux-Kreitmann, J., and Negre-Garnier, C. (1994a). Un suivi different: homeopathie et sophrologie. Soins Gynecologie Obstetrique Puericulture Pediatrie 37–37.


Thouraille, G. (1994). La sophrologie. Kinésithérapie Scientifique 37–47.


Pia, M., and Romien, H. (1992). “Sophrology”, a method to cure stress? Rev Infirm 42, 44.


Autran, E., Rigaud, P., Barral, D., and Villeval, B. (1992). Sophrology, why not in cardiology? Rev Infirm 42, 29–30.


Auger, F.L. (1992). “Sophrology” and breathing. Rev Infirm 42, 43–45.


Gamba, L. (1991). Sophrology, a dynamic relaxation technique (don’t trivialize it and make a proper choice). Rev Med Suisse Romande 111, 267–269.


Sournia, J. (1990). Sophrologie (psychotherapeutic method) approved as an area of medicine. Bulletin De L Academie Nationale De Medecine 174, 1121–1121.


Duchatel, C. (1990). Sports et sophrologie. Performance et Activités Sportives.


Wagner, A., Grenom, A., Pierre, F., Soutoul, J.H., Fabre-Nys, C., and Krebhiel, D. (1989). Maternal behavior toward her newborn infant. Potential modification by peridural analgesia or childbirth preparation. Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet 84, 29–35.


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Kikuchi, S. (1989). Training in childbirth adapting” Sophrologie”: active relaxation for the mothers. Josanpu Zasshi= The Japanese Journal for Midwife 43, 644.


Viale-Nahon, E. (1988). The role of hypnosis, relaxation and sophrology in the treatment of pain. Soins 27–34.


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